Oral Hygiene
Oral Hygiene
At All Saints Dental Clinic we want you to be in charge of keeping your teeth in the best possible condition and avoiding painful and expensive treatments in the future.
Regular check ups and hygiene visits are fundamental to good dental health as there will always be areas you can’t reach to clean properly or deposits on your teeth than a regular brush can’t shift.
Neglecting your dental hygiene leaves you open to tooth decay and gum disease, both of which are deeply unpleasant and can be avoided by excellent dental hygiene and regular professional cleans.
Our hygiene appointments offer a comprehensive clean, including a full scale and polish plus an all-important gum health check and free oral health advice to help you keep your teeth in perfect condition going forwards.
Why Should I visit the Hygiene Therapist?
We cant always get to those hard to reach areas in the mouth and eventually this leads to build up of calculus (tartar) around your teeth. Tartar buildup can lead to gum disease. A hygienist can clean this off with specialist equipment and give you advice on how to decrease the rate of this build up.
How Often Should I Visit?:
This depends on your individual Oral Health. We would always recommend at least every 4- 6 monthly for routine hygiene visits. Your Hygienist will discuss if they feel you would benefit from more regular or additional treatments to help maintain your gum health.
Should I Use an Electric Toothbrush?
Electric toothbrushes are known to clean teeth and gums much better than a manual toothbrush, according to research. Scientists found that people who use an electric toothbrush have healthier gums, less tooth decay and also keep their teeth for longer, compared with those who use a manual toothbrush. Our hygiene therapists will talk to you about the best brushes and floss to suit your teeth, which can be purchased at the clinic. They will also help you with your brushing techniques at your next appointment.